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Graduate Assembly proposes ASUC resolution advocating for independent space

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The Graduate Assembly is looking to cede from the ASUC for their own space and autonomy.


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NOVEMBER 14, 2023

The Graduate Assembly, or GA, referred Senate Resolution 23/24-007, or SR-007, to the ASUC senate during their meeting Wednesday.

The resolution aims to “equitably” allocate space to multiple student government organizations in Eshleman Hall, and is representative of a greater sense of division between the ASUC and the Graduate Student Assembly, or GSA.

The GSA is currently working to cede from their status as a subsidiary of the ASUC and instead establish the Graduate Student Association, according to Angikaar Chana, GA Internal Vice President.

Senate resolutions are typically brought forth by senators or members of the ASUC — however, the GA, as a subsidiary of the ASUC, can author resolutions in its own parliament system, referred to as the delegate assembly. This occurs if the delegate assembly believes that the resolution has the potential to impact all students beyond the graduate level.

SR-007 stands as one of these bills, and seeks to permanently allocate control of certain spaces on the fourth and fifth floors of Eshleman Hall to the ASUC, Student Union and GA, Chana said.

As part of efforts to establish an independent Graduate Student Assembly, the resolution aims to prevent the ASUC from taking control over graduate student spaces in Eshleman Hall should the GA transition into the GSA. Currently, vacated spaces are automatically allocated to the ASUC.

Should the resolution pass, the ASUC will formally agree that Eshleman 412 and 414 will remain property of the ASUC, Eshleman 444 will remain property of the GA or any succeeding body, Eshleman 450 and 540 will be reservable by both the ASUC and the GA with equal preference and senate chambers use will be accessible to the GA delegate assembly.

The resolution also advocates for Eshleman 432 to be allocated to the Student Union, in hopes that its position as a hub of student government operations could benefit both graduate and undergraduate students, Chana said.

According to Chana, there has been resistance to this particular division of space; some believe that Eshleman 432 should be allocated to chief appointed officers or other officials in the ASUC.

Chana noted, however, that the resolution’s ultimate goal to maintain space in Eshleman for graduate students should they turn into an independent assembly was met with little resistance.

“We believe that separation is better for everyone in being able to give us some legal autonomy, some financial autonomy and being able to directly represent graduate students without needing to have the ASUC sign off on every single thing that we do,” Chana said.

Contact Eleanor Dalton at 


NOVEMBER 14, 2023