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I Wanna be Medieval

“Am I killing it?”, I wondered. Some could say that seeking out a night of medieval revelry is a form of childhood regression. But I don’t see it that way: this was an ode to my elf days, and if anything, I’m glad that I can feel at home with all sorts of weirdos.

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After all this, I can deem the transformation complete: I am no longer a child dreaming of growing into a cool, goth lady. I made it all this way, through years of people making me question myself, back to London.
After all this, I can deem the transformation complete: I am no longer a child dreaming of growing into a cool, goth lady. I made it all this way, through years of people making me question myself, back to London.
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Next thing I knew I was in a feathered tutu and a lace blouse being told that “black is your COLOR, mademoiselle” and I felt absolutely fierce.
Next thing I knew I was in a feathered tutu and a lace blouse being told that “black is your COLOR, mademoiselle” and I felt absolutely fierce.
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My French is only good enough to order food and buy things with, not to philosophize on the complexities of the goth subculture in a very loud cave.
My French is only good enough to order food and buy things with, not to philosophize on the complexities of the goth subculture in a very loud cave.
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“Am I killing it?”, I wondered. Some could say that seeking out a night of medieval revelry is a form of childhood regression. But I don’t see it that way: this was an ode to my elf days, and if anything, I’m glad that I can feel at home with all sorts of weirdos.
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“Am I killing it?”, I wondered. Some could say that seeking out a night of medieval revelry is a form of childhood regression. But I don’t see it that way: this was an ode to my elf days, and if anything, I’m glad that I can feel at home with all sorts of weirdos.
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After all this, I can deem the transformation complete: I am no longer a child dreaming of growing into a cool, goth lady. I made it all this way, through years of people making me question myself, back to London.
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After all this, I can deem the transformation complete: I am no longer a child dreaming of growing into a cool, goth lady. I made it all this way, through years of people making me question myself, back to London.
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Next thing I knew I was in a feathered tutu and a lace blouse being told that “black is your COLOR, mademoiselle” and I felt absolutely fierce.
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Next thing I knew I was in a feathered tutu and a lace blouse being told that “black is your COLOR, mademoiselle” and I felt absolutely fierce.
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My French is only good enough to order food and buy things with, not to philosophize on the complexities of the goth subculture in a very loud cave.
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My French is only good enough to order food and buy things with, not to philosophize on the complexities of the goth subculture in a very loud cave.
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Goths on a boat. If Père Lachaise can have a tomb decorated with a snake devouring a baby head, then why can’t a bunch of post-punk pariahs gather offshore?
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Goths on a boat. If Père Lachaise can have a tomb decorated with a snake devouring a baby head, then why can’t a bunch of post-punk pariahs gather offshore?
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These tombs, though worn down, are art. They are just as old and just as intricate and just as worthy of your love and attention as Paris’ most celebrated landmarks.
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These tombs, though worn down, are art. They are just as old and just as intricate and just as worthy of your love and attention as Paris’ most celebrated landmarks.
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While once aimlessly passionate, I am now well-versed in the intricacies of alternative subcultures. And, as always, I am on a constant path of evolution, error and memory.
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Anti-Machiavellian by nature, the role of “babysitter” requires its soldiers to be loved rather than feared, whether that means serving as second-in-command to a much younger mermaid agent or being on the receiving end of a targeted hotdog spit-up attack.
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They say change is hard to accept, but I think there are levels to it. It wasn’t change that I feared, but its lasting effects — the unchanging nature of change.
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