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Widespread technical bugs hamper the overall experience of Horizon Zero Dawn, even on high-end PCs.
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Widespread technical bugs hamper the overall experience of Horizon Zero Dawn, even on high-end PCs.
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Though based in a fascinating historical context, the game remains wonderfully dramatized and unrestricted by pointless accuracy or realism.
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Though based in a fascinating historical context, the game remains wonderfully dramatized and unrestricted by pointless accuracy or realism.
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It’s laudable that Kojima made Death Stranding exactly as he wanted it, but the game’s disregard for the player’s time and intelligence constantly hinders the experience.
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It’s laudable that Kojima made Death Stranding exactly as he wanted it, but the game’s disregard for the player’s time and intelligence constantly hinders the experience.
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First and foremost, Biped is cute. It’s adorable.
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First and foremost, Biped is cute. It’s adorable.
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The sequel is much more ambitious than the first game. It fully utilizes the PlayStation 4’s upgraded hardware to render beautiful and meticulously crafted environments that immerse the player in a gritty, infection-ravaged Seattle. 
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The sequel is much more ambitious than the first game. It fully utilizes the PlayStation 4’s upgraded hardware to render beautiful and meticulously crafted environments that immerse the player in a gritty, infection-ravaged Seattle. 
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The pleasant world of Helionaut is perfectly optimized for a quick break from worldly duties. It is sweet without ever being saccharine.
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The pleasant world of Helionaut is perfectly optimized for a quick break from worldly duties. It is sweet without ever being saccharine.
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If you were one of the many die-hard fans of Toby Fox’s indie game “Undertale,” then “Deltarune” is definitely for you. If you weren’t, well, you should go play “Undertale” first, and then “Deltarune” will be for you.
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If you were one of the many die-hard fans of Toby Fox’s indie game “Undertale,” then “Deltarune” is definitely for you. If you weren’t, well, you should go play “Undertale” first, and then “Deltarune” will be for you.
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Perched at the very top of the statue of Athena, overlooking the city of Athens, it is difficult not to be amazed by the painstakingly reconstructed environment that the action-adventure, open-world role-playing game, or RPG, “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” effortlessly showcases.
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Perched at the very top of the statue of Athena, overlooking the city of Athens, it is difficult not to be amazed by the painstakingly reconstructed environment that the action-adventure, open-world role-playing game, or RPG, “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” effortlessly showcases.
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Two years after the last addition to “Far Cry,” Ubisoft once again invites players on a journey of unadulterated, chaotic fun.
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Two years after the last addition to “Far Cry,” Ubisoft once again invites players on a journey of unadulterated, chaotic fun.
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Nearly three months after the release of "Assassin's Creed Origins," developer Ubisoft added "The Hidden Ones" DLC, the first DLCs released this year.
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Nearly three months after the release of "Assassin's Creed Origins," developer Ubisoft added "The Hidden Ones" DLC, the first DLCs released this year.
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