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Career Fair 2018

Tips to create a great resume

Here's our selection of tips to make sure your resume is career-fair ready.

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Print out those resumes, and have no fear, Bears — you’ve got this.
Print out those resumes, and have no fear, Bears — you’ve got this.
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“There’s a wave of entrepreneurship across campuses, and I think they’ll follow in Cal’s footsteps,” Hammer said.
“There’s a wave of entrepreneurship across campuses, and I think they’ll follow in Cal’s footsteps,” Hammer said.
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With recruitment season comes an onslaught of applications and interviews. One question that’s especially confusing is “tell me about yourself.”
With recruitment season comes an onslaught of applications and interviews. One question that’s especially confusing is “tell me about yourself.”
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Here's our selection of tips to make sure your resume is career-fair ready.
Here's our selection of tips to make sure your resume is career-fair ready.
Print out those resumes, and have no fear, Bears — you’ve got this.
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Print out those resumes, and have no fear, Bears — you’ve got this.
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“There’s a wave of entrepreneurship across campuses, and I think they’ll follow in Cal’s footsteps,” Hammer said.
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“There’s a wave of entrepreneurship across campuses, and I think they’ll follow in Cal’s footsteps,” Hammer said.
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With recruitment season comes an onslaught of applications and interviews. One question that’s especially confusing is “tell me about yourself.”
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With recruitment season comes an onslaught of applications and interviews. One question that’s especially confusing is “tell me about yourself.”
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We’ve compiled a list of what we think are some of the best movies that are set in a workplace, and maybe some of them will give you the kick you need to keep it going during those eight-hour shifts.
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We’ve compiled a list of what we think are some of the best movies that are set in a workplace, and maybe some of them will give you the kick you need to keep it going during those eight-hour shifts.
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This year, the Career Fair will be held from Sept. 12 to Sept. 14, and each day will be focused on a different industry.
This year, the Career Fair will be held from Sept. 12 to Sept. 14, and each day will be focused on a different industry.
DeCals are one of the hallmarks of UC Berkeley’s curriculum: these student-run courses provide a platform for students to explore their interests and develop new ones.
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DeCals are one of the hallmarks of UC Berkeley’s curriculum: these student-run courses provide a platform for students to explore their interests and develop new ones.
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Step outside of Scranton and into some other series that take place almost entirely at work.
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Step outside of Scranton and into some other series that take place almost entirely at work.
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Being pre-anything doesn’t completely dominate over absolutely everything, but with graduate school in mind, your one goal is to do whatever it takes to get there.
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Being pre-anything doesn’t completely dominate over absolutely everything, but with graduate school in mind, your one goal is to do whatever it takes to get there.
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Even with these benefits of larger firms in mind, smaller and less prominent companies can generate superior internship experiences by providing more impactful work, greater internal exposure and more overall mobility.
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Even with these benefits of larger firms in mind, smaller and less prominent companies can generate superior internship experiences by providing more impactful work, greater internal exposure and more overall mobility.
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