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Internships Issue 2017

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Editor's note: When Bears mean business

No matter what where you are at the semester’s end, know that at UC Berkeley, you are not alone. Your peers will share in the same spate of worries and joy as they piece together their summer.

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Before watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior who had no idea what to do with his life. After watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior with a half-assed, romantic idea of being a wise therapist and a false sense of career security.
Before watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior who had no idea what to do with his life. After watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior with a half-assed, romantic idea of being a wise therapist and a false sense of career security.
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Without the extreme workload that we UC Berkeley students usually face, the boredom that comes from withdrawals is sure to kick in by at least the third week of summer.
Without the extreme workload that we UC Berkeley students usually face, the boredom that comes from withdrawals is sure to kick in by at least the third week of summer.
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No matter what where you are at the semester’s end, know that at UC Berkeley, you are not alone. Your peers will share in the same spate of worries and joy as they piece together their summer.
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No matter what where you are at the semester’s end, know that at UC Berkeley, you are not alone. Your peers will share in the same spate of worries and joy as they piece together their summer.
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Before watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior who had no idea what to do with his life. After watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior with a half-assed, romantic idea of being a wise therapist and a false sense of career security.
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Before watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior who had no idea what to do with his life. After watching “Good Will Hunting,” I was a lazy high school senior with a half-assed, romantic idea of being a wise therapist and a false sense of career security.
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Without the extreme workload that we UC Berkeley students usually face, the boredom that comes from withdrawals is sure to kick in by at least the third week of summer.
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Without the extreme workload that we UC Berkeley students usually face, the boredom that comes from withdrawals is sure to kick in by at least the third week of summer.
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The dreaded interview with your potential future employer just got a little less terrifying. Prepare answers for these 20 questions and you will be on your way to acing that phone call or Google Hangout interview.
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The dreaded interview with your potential future employer just got a little less terrifying. Prepare answers for these 20 questions and you will be on your way to acing that phone call or Google Hangout interview.
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A remarkably scarlet version of the customer returned to the store and, with the strength of many knights, rocketed his bowl of ice cream onto the once-pristine floor.
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A remarkably scarlet version of the customer returned to the store and, with the strength of many knights, rocketed his bowl of ice cream onto the once-pristine floor.
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The Daily Californian interviewed students from different majors about their summer internship experiences. Find out what they had to say!
The Daily Californian interviewed students from different majors about their summer internship experiences. Find out what they had to say!
At UC Berkeley, a school renowned for its computer science program, students vie for some of the most competitive technical internships in the country. Familiar among the campus’s competitive students is Two Sigma, a New York City hedge fund that utilizes technology to sift through financial data.
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At UC Berkeley, a school renowned for its computer science program, students vie for some of the most competitive technical internships in the country. Familiar among the campus’s competitive students is Two Sigma, a New York City hedge fund that utilizes technology to sift through financial data.
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