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Mental Health Issue 2017

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Editor's note: Mental health issue

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We have all been there. You walk out of class with a bad grade, and have tears streaming down your face. It happens to all of us. We here at The Daily Californian have compiled a list of the best places to cry on the UC Berkeley campus for your convenience. They have all been tried and tested, from the middle of Memorial Glade to the depths of Main Stack. Use these as a starting point for all your crying adventures – the options are endless.
We have all been there. You walk out of class with a bad grade, and have tears streaming down your face. It happens to all of us. We here at The Daily Californian have compiled a list of the best places to cry on the UC Berkeley campus for your convenience. They have all been tried and tested, from the middle of Memorial Glade to the depths of Main Stack. Use these as a starting point for all your crying adventures – the options are endless.
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In 2016, approximately 16 percent of UC Berkeley students used campus counseling centers — 4 percent higher than the national average of 12.
In 2016, approximately 16 percent of UC Berkeley students used campus counseling centers — 4 percent higher than the national average of 12.
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We have all been there. You walk out of class with a bad grade, and have tears streaming down your face. It happens to all of us. We here at The Daily Californian have compiled a list of the best places to cry on the UC Berkeley campus for your convenience. They have all been tried and tested, from the middle of Memorial Glade to the depths of Main Stack. Use these as a starting point for all your crying adventures – the options are endless.
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We have all been there. You walk out of class with a bad grade, and have tears streaming down your face. It happens to all of us. We here at The Daily Californian have compiled a list of the best places to cry on the UC Berkeley campus for your convenience. They have all been tried and tested, from the middle of Memorial Glade to the depths of Main Stack. Use these as a starting point for all your crying adventures – the options are endless.
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In 2016, approximately 16 percent of UC Berkeley students used campus counseling centers — 4 percent higher than the national average of 12.
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In 2016, approximately 16 percent of UC Berkeley students used campus counseling centers — 4 percent higher than the national average of 12.
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UHS’s frequently asked questions page explains that diagnostic assessments for ADD and ADHD are in-depth and time-consuming and that UHS does not have the resources necessary to diagnose the disorders.
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UHS’s frequently asked questions page explains that diagnostic assessments for ADD and ADHD are in-depth and time-consuming and that UHS does not have the resources necessary to diagnose the disorders.
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I came to Cal thinking I was ready. I had read every Society9 article, watched every college horror story video on YouTube and harassed every single one of my friends in college until they couldn’t think of any more advice to give me. I knew it was going to be hard, and I had braced myself for it, prepared for anything that would come my way.
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I came to Cal thinking I was ready. I had read every Society9 article, watched every college horror story video on YouTube and harassed every single one of my friends in college until they couldn’t think of any more advice to give me. I knew it was going to be hard, and I had braced myself for it, prepared for anything that would come my way.
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It only takes a few scrolls of UC Berkeley’s Facebook meme page to gauge the mental state of the general UCB student population.
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It only takes a few scrolls of UC Berkeley’s Facebook meme page to gauge the mental state of the general UCB student population.
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For ASUC Senator Hani Hussein, her first year at UC Berkeley marked a pivotal point in her life.
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For ASUC Senator Hani Hussein, her first year at UC Berkeley marked a pivotal point in her life.
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Seeing an econometrics score distribution. Watching someone repeatedly failing to get a drink straw in their mouth. Recounting last week’s ill-advised decision to drink six shots in a row.
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Seeing an econometrics score distribution. Watching someone repeatedly failing to get a drink straw in their mouth. Recounting last week’s ill-advised decision to drink six shots in a row.
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Not long ago I met with an old friend. We chatted at a cafe until late at night. As two young people just out of high school, we engaged ourselves in a conversation filled with confessions and revelations.
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Not long ago I met with an old friend. We chatted at a cafe until late at night. As two young people just out of high school, we engaged ourselves in a conversation filled with confessions and revelations.
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