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Dead Week Puzzles 2018

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Editor's note: Decoding dead week

With this issue, we hope to provide a range of options to help your dead week go smoothly. From Netflix recommendations to watch to day trips to take, this time is all yours.

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With dead week here, we should all be studying. But the likelihood that that is what we will be doing every moment of the next week is very slim, and thus, UC Berkeley students will be looking for some other activities to fill dead week with.
With dead week here, we should all be studying. But the likelihood that that is what we will be doing every moment of the next week is very slim, and thus, UC Berkeley students will be looking for some other activities to fill dead week with.
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Finding your favorite study space can be a challenge, especially during finals season when everyone else is doing the same. Studying at home and inviting friends over may be comfortable and convenient, but the environment can get distracting more often than not.
Finding your favorite study space can be a challenge, especially during finals season when everyone else is doing the same. Studying at home and inviting friends over may be comfortable and convenient, but the environment can get distracting more often than not.
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Speed, stamina and a quick wit. These are the skills it takes to succeed in the Berkeley Mystery Hunt, a campuswide puzzles challenge that ran biannually on the UC Berkeley campus from 2011-16.
Speed, stamina and a quick wit. These are the skills it takes to succeed in the Berkeley Mystery Hunt, a campuswide puzzles challenge that ran biannually on the UC Berkeley campus from 2011-16.
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With this issue, we hope to provide a range of options to help your dead week go smoothly. From Netflix recommendations to watch to day trips to take, this time is all yours.
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With this issue, we hope to provide a range of options to help your dead week go smoothly. From Netflix recommendations to watch to day trips to take, this time is all yours.
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With dead week here, we should all be studying. But the likelihood that that is what we will be doing every moment of the next week is very slim, and thus, UC Berkeley students will be looking for some other activities to fill dead week with.
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With dead week here, we should all be studying. But the likelihood that that is what we will be doing every moment of the next week is very slim, and thus, UC Berkeley students will be looking for some other activities to fill dead week with.
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Finding your favorite study space can be a challenge, especially during finals season when everyone else is doing the same. Studying at home and inviting friends over may be comfortable and convenient, but the environment can get distracting more often than not.
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Finding your favorite study space can be a challenge, especially during finals season when everyone else is doing the same. Studying at home and inviting friends over may be comfortable and convenient, but the environment can get distracting more often than not.
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Speed, stamina and a quick wit. These are the skills it takes to succeed in the Berkeley Mystery Hunt, a campuswide puzzles challenge that ran biannually on the UC Berkeley campus from 2011-16.
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Speed, stamina and a quick wit. These are the skills it takes to succeed in the Berkeley Mystery Hunt, a campuswide puzzles challenge that ran biannually on the UC Berkeley campus from 2011-16.
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Here are some of our top picks for you to watch this dead week.
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Here are some of our top picks for you to watch this dead week.
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This is your chance to break out, explore that part of the city that you’ve always wondered about and truly relax. So take a look at these dead week day trips for a breath of fresh air before exam time sets in.
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This is your chance to break out, explore that part of the city that you’ve always wondered about and truly relax. So take a look at these dead week day trips for a breath of fresh air before exam time sets in.
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It’s finally Reading, Review and Recitation Week, though you may still have class for the next couple of days. Whether it’s your first dead week or your last, fear not: There are still plenty of opportunities to bust out of your studying routine and get into the winter break spirit.
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It’s finally Reading, Review and Recitation Week, though you may still have class for the next couple of days. Whether it’s your first dead week or your last, fear not: There are still plenty of opportunities to bust out of your studying routine and get into the winter break spirit.
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What makes this café unique is that it is home to more than 700 board games organized neatly on its shelves.
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What makes this café unique is that it is home to more than 700 board games organized neatly on its shelves.
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Here are eight examples of times Alex Trebek has posed questions to contestants in which the correct answer was our good old campus.
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Here are eight examples of times Alex Trebek has posed questions to contestants in which the correct answer was our good old campus.
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I’ve tried to write this column in a few different ways, but every time I think of the first puzzle game I played or the most impactful game I played, I always think of another. One of those games, between the many video games and board games, was “I Spy Spooky Mansion.”
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I’ve tried to write this column in a few different ways, but every time I think of the first puzzle game I played or the most impactful game I played, I always think of another. One of those games, between the many video games and board games, was “I Spy Spooky Mansion.”
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