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My everlasting homesickness

Although the memories I have of my childhood in China are painful to think about because they remind me of the home I miss so much, holding on to them is the only way to get through it. They remind me of how grateful I should be to have had a home that was filled with love and happiness.

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I can’t help but feel that a part of me will always think skinnier is “better” because of the environment I grew up in. However, by appreciating the American take on body image, I’ve learned to believe that all bodies are beautiful and we should never dictate our worth based on the number on a scale.
I can’t help but feel that a part of me will always think skinnier is “better” because of the environment I grew up in. However, by appreciating the American take on body image, I’ve learned to believe that all bodies are beautiful and we should never dictate our worth based on the number on a scale.
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Languages aren’t just different ways of saying words, they are our main method of communication. Language barriers can ruin so much more than I could’ve imagined. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the relationship I once had with my extended family members. 
Languages aren’t just different ways of saying words, they are our main method of communication. Language barriers can ruin so much more than I could’ve imagined. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the relationship I once had with my extended family members. 
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Although the concerns surrounding the virus have since died down significantly, the long-lasting effects the pandemic has on sinophobia and the world’s view of China have remained. 
Although the concerns surrounding the virus have since died down significantly, the long-lasting effects the pandemic has on sinophobia and the world’s view of China have remained. 
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Although the memories I have of my childhood in China are painful to think about because they remind me of the home I miss so much, holding on to them is the only way to get through it. They remind me of how grateful I should be to have had a home that was filled with love and happiness.
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Although the memories I have of my childhood in China are painful to think about because they remind me of the home I miss so much, holding on to them is the only way to get through it. They remind me of how grateful I should be to have had a home that was filled with love and happiness.
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I can’t help but feel that a part of me will always think skinnier is “better” because of the environment I grew up in. However, by appreciating the American take on body image, I’ve learned to believe that all bodies are beautiful and we should never dictate our worth based on the number on a scale.
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I can’t help but feel that a part of me will always think skinnier is “better” because of the environment I grew up in. However, by appreciating the American take on body image, I’ve learned to believe that all bodies are beautiful and we should never dictate our worth based on the number on a scale.
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Languages aren’t just different ways of saying words, they are our main method of communication. Language barriers can ruin so much more than I could’ve imagined. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the relationship I once had with my extended family members. 
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Languages aren’t just different ways of saying words, they are our main method of communication. Language barriers can ruin so much more than I could’ve imagined. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the relationship I once had with my extended family members. 
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Although the concerns surrounding the virus have since died down significantly, the long-lasting effects the pandemic has on sinophobia and the world’s view of China have remained. 
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Although the concerns surrounding the virus have since died down significantly, the long-lasting effects the pandemic has on sinophobia and the world’s view of China have remained. 
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As a self-proclaimed Mahjong pro, if you will, it’s not an understatement to say that the game has changed my life. It is the reason I am as close to my extended family as I am now and one of the ways I’ve been able to connect to my culture. 
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As a self-proclaimed Mahjong pro, if you will, it’s not an understatement to say that the game has changed my life. It is the reason I am as close to my extended family as I am now and one of the ways I’ve been able to connect to my culture. 
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Somewhere along the line, as I matured, I slowly began to realize that there are no “guidelines” as to how to be Asian.
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Somewhere along the line, as I matured, I slowly began to realize that there are no “guidelines” as to how to be Asian.
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I went back to that same hair salon for the final time and walked out with black hair. More importantly, I walked out as the real Audrey Zhu. 
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I went back to that same hair salon for the final time and walked out with black hair. More importantly, I walked out as the real Audrey Zhu. 
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It’s crazy how one person can have such a big impact on someone, completely changing their life, and then suddenly become a stranger.
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It’s crazy how one person can have such a big impact on someone, completely changing their life, and then suddenly become a stranger.
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It rains every other night, thunderstorms the likes of which I have only ever known in Mexico. The rain falls warm, the wind sings something sweet until it blasts open the windows and doors with a heavenly roar, the thunder crackles like my father’s laugh, the lightning dances in flashes through the sky.
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It rains every other night, thunderstorms the likes of which I have only ever known in Mexico. The rain falls warm, the wind sings something sweet until it blasts open the windows and doors with a heavenly roar, the thunder crackles like my father’s laugh, the lightning dances in flashes through the sky.
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Mexico has been known as a country of suffering and song and has even been romanticized for it. My family’s history is a reflection of the nation from which they stem — our stories are of pain and sacrifice. 
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Mexico has been known as a country of suffering and song and has even been romanticized for it. My family’s history is a reflection of the nation from which they stem — our stories are of pain and sacrifice. 
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