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We live in a world where beauty is seen as intrinsic to a woman’s self-worth and her ability to gain respect. But because these beauty standards often specifically exclude women of color, they send the message that we are not of any value if we don’t change ourselves to look “white enough.”
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We live in a world where beauty is seen as intrinsic to a woman’s self-worth and her ability to gain respect. But because these beauty standards often specifically exclude women of color, they send the message that we are not of any value if we don’t change ourselves to look “white enough.”
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The obsession with “gains” coupled with an unfounded opposition to makeup reveals a deeper cultural issue in the way we segregate genders.
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The obsession with “gains” coupled with an unfounded opposition to makeup reveals a deeper cultural issue in the way we segregate genders.
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Somewhere along the line, as I matured, I slowly began to realize that there are no “guidelines” as to how to be Asian.
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Somewhere along the line, as I matured, I slowly began to realize that there are no “guidelines” as to how to be Asian.
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From getting turned away all around Berkeley, I have learned that rejection truly is redirection, and there is a lot of value in being turned down.
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From getting turned away all around Berkeley, I have learned that rejection truly is redirection, and there is a lot of value in being turned down.
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Beyond the media gabfests and power grabs, the severity of our political issues must garner the attention of a future workable and governing House majority that can effectively negotiate. Without a speaker, the House’s hands are tied during a tumultuous time.
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Beyond the media gabfests and power grabs, the severity of our political issues must garner the attention of a future workable and governing House majority that can effectively negotiate. Without a speaker, the House’s hands are tied during a tumultuous time.
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At times, it feels like I haven’t grown or made any progress, as if I’m pretending to know what I’m doing as I go through college. That’s how bad habits work, but when you can’t break them, you learn to grow around them. The reality is that in a way, I am pretending my way through school, and that’s fine.
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At times, it feels like I haven’t grown or made any progress, as if I’m pretending to know what I’m doing as I go through college. That’s how bad habits work, but when you can’t break them, you learn to grow around them. The reality is that in a way, I am pretending my way through school, and that’s fine.
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When you prioritize yourself and your future above all else — as, in my opinion, all people my age should — you become extremely self-aware of your boundaries regarding love. 
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When you prioritize yourself and your future above all else — as, in my opinion, all people my age should — you become extremely self-aware of your boundaries regarding love. 
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We must show the university that their obstruction is unacceptable. A mass-participatory vote conveys our ability to organize and to escalate if necessary until all the raises and benefits in our contract are secured.
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We must show the university that their obstruction is unacceptable. A mass-participatory vote conveys our ability to organize and to escalate if necessary until all the raises and benefits in our contract are secured.
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What I didn’t expect to need a college education to learn, however, is that wheat is not a vegetable and jelly is not really a fruit. I guess peanut butter is still protein, so maybe I was on to something there.
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What I didn’t expect to need a college education to learn, however, is that wheat is not a vegetable and jelly is not really a fruit. I guess peanut butter is still protein, so maybe I was on to something there.
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I went back to that same hair salon for the final time and walked out with black hair. More importantly, I walked out as the real Audrey Zhu. 
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I went back to that same hair salon for the final time and walked out with black hair. More importantly, I walked out as the real Audrey Zhu. 
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